Tier Level Four

A key operational role, Regional Affairs Directors are located in strategic locations across the country and are responsible for representing the BHUC at a local level. This involves establishing relationships with the Public, local government and relevant regional stakeholders. These directors have a wealth of experience in the Hajj & Umrah sector and play a crucial operational role.


The Regional Affairs Directors are the first point of contact between the BHUC and the public; requiring an ability to handle issues diplomatically; forward complaints, issues and grass-root level inputs to the relevant committees and provide an avenue for localized implementation of BHUC initiatives. Directors will receive training in order to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out their duties effectively and in coordination with BHUC’s efforts.  

This tier of committee members agree to lead and develop the initiatives under their custody. The Regional Affairs Directors are expected to convene 4 times a year with their supporting teams, 1 Annual General Meeting, 2 Pre-Hajj meetings and 1 post Hajj meeting as well as providing on-going remote support via email, calls and other social media channels.

The Regional Affairs Directorates will be located nationally in the following cities


East London               – Whitechapel

Central London          – ICCUK
West London             – Slough


North Birmingham    – Bordesley Green
South Birmingham    – Sparkshill

CARDIFF                                            – Cardiff City Centre

NORTH WEST ENGLAND         –  Bolton

           –  Bradford

GLASGOW                                         –  Gorbals District


NORTHEN IRELAND                   – Belfast City Centre