
Our Knowledge division forms the foundation of Hajj People’s ability to develop valuable solutions to the Hajj and Umrah industry as well as produce products and services that offer long term impact. It includes producing research and reports as well as training and developments programs. The subscribers to our knowledge Centre include, Governments Hajj Missions & Associations, Consulates, Educational Institutes, Travel Agencies, Industry Professionals and Pilgrims.

Hajj People & Global Hajj & Umrah Stakeholders Develop Hajj & Umrah Standards Organisation 2018

Hajj People in 2018 introduced specialized training working with some of the top organisations in the World including the World Health Organisation, Tabung Haji, Nokia, Saffat Aviation Consulting Firm, Bournemouth University, Umm ul Qura University, UKEHC, British Hajj and Umrah Council.

Our certification is approved by provided by CPD. Below are some of the CPD Certification Users. Working in conjunction with UKEHC we have our courses in compliance tailored for the Hajj and Umrah sector approved

Hajj People recognised as the international voice for Hajj & Umrah discussions and pilgrim affairs.

Hajj People recognised as industry experts invited to speak on international platforms representing the Pilgrims and Industries viewpoint at the Arabian Travel Market.

(Mohsin Tutla – CEO Hajj People, Centre Right)