Advisory Board & Councillors

Tier Level Five

Our board of advisors and councillors are field experts with specialist insight from various backgrounds, providing meaningful guidance to the Executive Board of Directors and Heads of Special Task Force Committee members.


The roles of the Advisory and Councillor boards is to evaluate proposed strategies by the Executive Board of Directors as well developing initiatives of their own merit and influencing the Executive Board of Directors and the Heads of Special Task Force Committee members to implement accepted proposals.


A vital responsibility of the advisory board and councillors is to ensure the British Hajj & Umrah Council stays true to its vision and aids the organisation overcome obstacles that hinder progress and help prioritise and implement strategies that help the organisation to remain focused and achieve its goals.


This tier of governance agree to contribute their expertise, with an objectified focus on enhancing the quality of the Pilgrims experience as well as safeguarding the BHUC from pitfalls, navigating the institution to make credible achievements and helping it to raise it’s standard by degrees each year.  


The Advisory Board & Councillors are expected to participate valuable activities organised by the British Hajj & Umrah Council, as well as deliver presentations in their field of expertise and attend two Board meetings in a calendar year.